Confused! Should i Join Online Test Series or not? If yes than why?

Today we have to go to discuss why test series is important for CA exams. And what are the benefits for the students in exams?

Many of the few compliant that since you are not very well prepared, you have a fear of starting test series.

Why is that fear, the thing is that

That Fear arises from the fear of failure, you think that if you attempt test series. you may not be able to perform as per expectation and  your confidence will go down

That will be the only reason most of the students not give the test series.
But the thing is that

If you don’t know
How to attempt an exam?
How to performing that subject?
What is your weakness & strength in a particular subject?
How to write an exam?
How to manage time in the final exam?

Then how can give your best in the final exam 

If you want to play an ODI match, first you have to do practice in a domestic match then only you can play International Match.
Similarly, If you are going to Crack a CA Exam, you required a lot of preparation and practice, which is possible only with Test series.
No one improves their performance until they know the weakness

Our surveys says only 13% of the students in CA write Test Series however 85% agree that writing test series is a very important part in CA preparation.

Test series get help to know 'where it went wrong' instead of just 'it went wrong'

Some students think that only when our preparation is complete, we will join the Test series.

This is the miscomprehend in your mind If you attempt test series rather than thinking no I am not prepared and let me prepare some more.
then you have to know that
Preparation never comes to an end. Even till the date of the exam.
Ca syllabus is too lengthy at last movement you might feel like you left something. you never feel confident for exams.

But test series help take your confidence in the next level and help to improve exam tempered.

Benefits of test series is that

Performance comparisons. (at the national level):

Ca online test series help comparison their performances at the national level by providing a national ranking.
Comparison always helps to improve their performance and keeping up the improve spirit.

Find a variety of question:

In test series you will find a variety of questions, EMPIRES ACADEMY conduct total 14 no. of test per subject which tests covered 750-800 marking in each subject.

Time management:

Time management is one of the most important skills which is required to learn for every CA student. Most of the students will not be able to complete the entire paper within time. Most students end up spending excessive time on difficult questions and hence lose out on otherwise easy questions. Test series help to know the right time required to stop slogging over a question. Estimating how much time to spend on each question, you can learn thoroughly by taking test paper. And as you keep solving more papers, your judgment gets better and so do your chances of completing the actual exam in time.

 Self evaluate:

After taking a test in the test series, you can self evaluate your performance and get know about your mistakes.

Self- evaluation will help you in understanding:
How to attempt an exam?
How to performing particularly that subject?
How to write an exam?
How can I make a better as compared to other

Know about your weaknesses & strengths:

By taking a test series you explore your strengths and weakness, your strengths and weaknesses will clarify what the best next step is and how you can improve yourself. it will also tell you more on where you would like to work and where you would be able to prove yourself most.


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  2. it's very useful..i really neeed this..thanks EA..


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