3 tips recommend to students for CA preparation..

 Which 3 tips do you recommend to students preparing for the Chartered Accountancy?

Many points have which you need to conciser for every students for preparation for the CA exams. if you are asking for just 3 tips then we tell you about first 3 tips on priority basis
Tips and Tricks
  1. Quality Study Material:
For better marks in exams, the right choice of material from where to study is most important point. Sometime we put hard efforts in study but still we don’t get results because we are working hard but our hard work is not in right direction. So our experts have enlisted important material which you must cover for better & quality results which are as following;
i) ICAI Modules (Study Material & Practice material)
ii) Mock Test Papers
iii) Revisionary Test Papers
iv) Your Own Notes made in Class
v) At least 10 Year Old Question Paper Scanners
Coverage of these modules is necessary, Since ICAI has changed pattern of presentation Modules, New Course Students must refer the books of Old Syllabus to practice similar concepts
2. Time Management
The biggest problems that is complaint by CA Students that we don’t get enough time to study because the syllabus is lengthy & time window is so small. It is easy to excuse but excuses are not the solutions because here in CA Course, excuses are useless to say. Rather, we should find a solution to overcome this excuse.
Here in Entire CA Curriculum, every subject is as wide as Ocean. But we have to make a right schedule to cover the entire syllabus in required time window.
3. Presentation in Exams:
The most important point in life of CA Student come here in front of us. Most of students ignore this thing entirely because they think mere giving answers to questions is enough to score well. But here they are wrong. Presentation of Question in Right way is necessary to score well. Exams are evaluated by CA's who are very much conscious about the presentation of student in CA Exams so here are some important tips to score more
i) In case of Practical Subjects, Always support your answers with appropriate working notes & working notes should be at the end of each question
ii) Students don’t give preference to draw tables & boxes wherever required. We advise you to draw appropriate lines, tables & formats with pencil & scale wherever required in question.
iii) Never use coloured pens/pencils & highlighters in answer sheet. Rather use simple black pen/pencil to underline topics.
iv) If you want to highlight a particular part of your answer, draw a box around it to make it bold.
v) Practice theory questions presentation from ICAI Material, the way they follow is accepted by them in evaluation of Exams.
vi) Always define neatly & clearly your answers, make appropriate heading for main points, titles, working notes. So examiner can understand better your answers.
vii) Always write formulae in applicable answers.


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