Preparation strategy for CA Final

PAPER 6B- Financial Services & Capital Markets


Paper 6B in CA Final is Financial Services & Capital Markets, one of the electives/optional subjects for you to choose from a plethora of others. If you have prepared well during your IPCC course in the paper of Financial Management, your foundation is strong for you to score well in this elective.

1}. How to study CA Final FSCM

·         Cracking an open book examination requires clever preparation, and given below are some tips to help you:

·         Understanding current business affairs is extremely important and could give you an edge over your competitors in terms of scoring

·         In a case study format–the problem statements could be real-world live examples of business scenarios.

·         In such a situation, knowing where to look is as important as knowing what to look for Go through and practice the existing case studies published on ICAI website. Videos to decode the case studies and understand important areas of FSCM can be found here.

·         Make notes while learning each chapter, specifically decoding difficult areas. Indexing the material available and categorizing them into groups will help you locate content accurately and speedily.

2}.How to score well in Financial Services and Capital Markets

·         Attempt MCQs first and attempt all as there is no negative marking

·         As much as possible, in the theory-based answers, include real-world live examples to demonstrate your depth of understanding. This will create a good impression on the examiner

·         SEBI regulations need to be understood thoroughly since many MCQs and case studies will be designed to test your understanding of the application of regulations in various scenarios

·         Presentation is of great importance, especially in answers where you are required to present your argument. Structuring your answers into sections with headlines and highlighting important parts of the answer will make reading easy and you can grab the attention of the examiner towards your points that you are most confident about

3}.Here’s a step-by-step procedure to attempt the questions:


Step 1: Read and understand the case study properly and make a note of the topics and subtopics that it refers to

Step 2: Pay attention to the problem statement and figure out the bottlenecks

Step 3: Refer to the relevant topic and subtopics from your study material and books for anything including laws, sections, etc that you would need while solving the case study. Underline them for quick reference

Step 4: Answer multiple choice questions first

Step 5: Answer the other questions while maintaining your originality

4}. Online Resources to prepare for Paper 6D Economic law of CA Final.


Study Material by ICAI                                                         CLICK HERE

Case study 1
Question                                                                                              CLICK HERE

Case study 2

Question                                                                                              CLICK HERE

Case study 3

Question                                                                                              CLICK HERE

Mock test papers                                                                                


5}.Since this is a huge market, you will have access to multiple manuals, books, and textbooks:


·         Don’t get confused taking multiple books and end up getting overwhelmed.

·         Choose a material at the beginning depending on your comfort and stick to it.

·         ICAI study manuals are available for revision

·         Mock test papers, revision test papers, and case studies are uploaded on the ICAI website.

·         It is advisable that aspirants take the test paper completely, mimicking the actual exam scenario to understand which sections consume maximum time and alter their attempts accordingly.

Hope you can find this Blog helpful. If you did like this Blog then Share it with your friends who are doing CA Final studies or who will be giving their CA Final Exams in the near future.  

All the Best…!!!



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